

Whāinga/ Purpose

Our vision is to enhance the Scargill Motunau Recreation Reserve, bringing the sound of birdsong mixed with people enjoying the environment for current and future generations.

The purpose of the Trust will be to achieve its vision by:

Trust is committed, to carry out its mission to create an indigenous ecosystem using volunteer and contract expertise and labour.

We will be inclusive and encouraging of all those who want to be involved in the project.

  • Employing ecological restoration best practice.

  • Incorporating community values, community building and educational opportunities into the project, that gives back in many ways such as recreation, family time, awareness of indigenous biodiversity and Te Ao Māori.

  • Maintaining a funding stream that ensures the project is multigenerational and therefore able to fulfil its potential of developing a mature ecosystem.

  • Being transparent; regularly reporting to the community its plans, work schedules, achievements etc, across various media platforms (e.g. newsletters, Facebook, website). Considering all opportunities that could advance the processes and aspirations of the project.

We will continue to consider all opportunities that could advance the processes and aspirations of the Birdsong project and we welcome feedback from both the local community and our visitors.